Monday, May 08, 2006

Long Day

You know how some days feel like 5 days rolled into one. Well, today was one like that for me. Started off not feeling great anyhow, you know low energy, stay in bed, be a poop not feeling good. It's the first day of a doctor team which always means there are tons of little 'loose ends' that have to be tied up in the last 30 seconds before Dan and the doctors get out of the door. Of course, that all has to happen while Judah is finishing breakfast, yelling 'all dine' at me, and having to go potty (5 days with no accidents folks!). When I finally got them out the door, I just felt like crying because I had to go to Prishtina with Judah to get medicine. That sentence could have basically said, I had to go to Siberia to find a warm vacation spot, because it's about that impossible! After sitting for an hour at the agency where we get the import license, OH, wait! Judah puked in the car on the 90 minute car ride, then, I sat for an hour at the agency where we get the medicine import license, and they finally figured out who I was, what my license was, and that "no" I didn't have to pay for it because it is free medicine! Then I waited at the airport for the next four hours for a 'private' customs agent to get my boxes for me. I won't even try to explain the 'private' bit, because what I did understand of the situation basically told me that I was getting jipped somehow. Car ride home with Judah singing at the top of his lungs the entire way (not an exaggeration), get home to whip up taco salad with Judah running in circles in the kitchen (also, not an exaggeration), eat, Judah's in a bath, Dan still isn't home because he had to clear up something so that our building can be insulated, and blog a little bit. I have to finish the dishes, and I think there is something else that I need to do.....oh, well.


The Melones said...

I am praying for you right now! Being a mom is so hard sometimes and know that it is only temporary-nothing ever stays the same. Which, on one of those bad day type things, that can be encouraging! We love you!!!

The Melones said...

oh, forgot to say-I cannot believe you potty trained an 18 monthy old!!!!! You are truely amazing!!!!! Do you realize I couldn't even pottytrain a three year old? God had to step in and do it mirculously FOR me...

Laura Beth said...

Thank you for helping me keep my life in perspective! Keep on living in divine energy, my dear!

You rock.