Friday, December 30, 2005

growing my hair out

GRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr! I think I could just continue doing that to sum up my feelings about trying to grow my hair back out. But, yet, after it has grown out, and it is long, full, and beautiful (not to brag, but I have nice hair), I get an itch and cut it all off again. I'm really not sure what my problem is. And, then, once I have gotten it cut just a little shorter, it inevitably turns into two or three more visits to the hairdresser (here it is only 7 euros for a haircut) over a period of a few months, and really, really short hair. Currently, it is layered, and the longest layer is about chin length, but I want it to be about shoulder length. I keep thinking that if I get pregnant, it will start growing faster! Sick, I know! But, really, I can't seem to stop the madness, though. I think this time, I finally figured it out. Nothing shorter than a bob, ever! I think if I keep it in the form of a bob then it is easier to grow out, but hopefully, I won't have the urge to shear myself again. Like I said, GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Judah's words

Judah has started talking, but since he is trying to figure out two languages at the same time, it is mostly his own language, but there are a few coherent words, or at least words that definitely stand for something. We even through in a few signs since it is the cool thing to do nowadays:
1. Please (sign)
2. Thank You (sign)
3. all done (sign and word, but it sounds more like "ah-duh")
4. eat (sign)
5. apple
6. mommy
7. daddy
8. Judah
9. photo, or grandpa, or uncle- he says it whenever he looks at a photo, but they are photos with the aforementioned people in them, so I haven't quite figured it out
11. apple
12. hot
14. hi
15. what's that? ("tsa?" is what I hear)
16. chuh - his only shqip word so far which has multiple meanings like "there", or "here" as "here it is" or "there he is".

Friday, December 23, 2005


I am sitting for a few minutes trying to make myself get up out of this chair and do something more productive. But, beside me we have a big world map hung on the wall and I just found Vanuatu! You know, where they taped one of the Survivor series, which I never could stand to watch because they really, really annoyed me. I mean really, really, really. But, now I at least know where it is. Do you?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Blogging World

Has got to be one of the most interesting ones that I have ever visited, and yes, I have visited other worlds. To say that Wal-mart is not another world would be lying! But, anyhow...the blog world has so many interesting people, and you're not supposed to feel like a peeping-tom when you pop onto their blogsight because, hey!, they put it there for all of the world to see. And, there is of course the range of blogs that you can find. Some, you pay for and they, of course, look pretty spiffy, but then there are some for free, and they are actually pretty good. But, then, you have to consider which 'neighborhood' of the blog world you want to be in. Some of the sights host mainly upper-crusters, others, the sweet, simple filling, and then, the bottom crusters (I visited the sight of a girl that is involved in roller-derby's! the others on that sight were involved in a lot less pleasant things, and they describe for anyone who happens by). So, you have to be a little choosy in where you set down roots. HA! I have had a blog with Yahoo!, and will until I get this spot made up a little better, but I don't like that the people who visit me have to actually sign up for a Yahoo! account. If you want to happen by my spot, then I don't want you to have to feel obligated to anything, so I am in the process of changing my address. It may be a little while.

I think that my sister would love blogging. She journals like a madwoman, and would probably think this was cool. I love journaling but don't have the patience to write it all down. I have always liked coing things, and sitting writing about what I did, or want to do, just isn't the same. Doesn't quite cut it. Plus, in the time that it would take me to write, I can type five times the same amount. Way more effecient.