Tuesday, March 21, 2006

It's Spring!

I don't have any flowers blooming in my yard, yet, so no pictures of that. I tried to upload a picture of me beginning the first day of spring, but computer/internet are deciding to not like me today, and no picture. But, it is still the first day of spring, the first beautiful day we have had in a while (how appropriate), and I am filled with the hope and joy that I get every year in spring, and that makes me excited for the days to come. Isn't God amazing? He knows that we get tired of the same thing over and over, and that change is something we desire in our lives. He knows that just when we think that we can't take another cold, wet, windy day, the spring sunshine will pop through giving promise of life abundant! And, I think you all know what I mean! I am so ready for spring.

1 comment:

CD said...

ahhhhhhhh sounds wonderful, you put God's miracle of spring into words so nicely!