Thursday, January 12, 2006

Books and Words

Judah has become such a reader lately, and such a demanding one! He doesn't mind reading all on his own, but he absolutely adores when we read to him. He has also starting whining (really annoying!), and so sometimes when he starts my only device for shutting him up is to tell him to go and get a book. Off he pads and back he comes a few moments later with a book. Too cute. I is so phenomenal the ways that he is starting to show his independence. Sometimes, I can just set him up on the couch with a bunch of books within his reach and get a lot accomplished!!! He just sits there, or lays there, and reads to his hearts content. He especially loves his 'Daddy' book, it's about bears and he gets to growl, another thing that he does a lot lately. But, he has other favorites, too: Dr. Seuss; 1,2,3 juggle with me; I love you; How do dinosaurs go to sleep?

He has always loved when we read to him, even as a newborn (I think that maybe it is due to the fact that we read to him 'in utero', but who knows), and now it showing up in his speaking. All the time, non-stop, he's gabbing. Some words intelligible, other not so intelligible. Dan yelled at me from the kitchen the other day, "what's 'uba' mean?" hmm, what has Judah been using that for? oh, yeah! "It means 'thank you', and he may be telling you that he is done eating." Score for mommy!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I LOVE pictures of people reading to little children : )