Wednesday, May 10, 2006

how to

I am going to try to explain how to change your blog banner. I still don't have the thing figured out since, as you can see, it is still small and not covering the entire length of the top of the page. But, if you are happy with a little box in the middle like mine, then listen in:
1. design your banner: I designed mine on the computer with Adobe photoshop. this program is amazing! There is no end to the fun things that you can make with it, but there are quite a few other photoediting programs that you can use. Another way to make a banner is on paper, and then scan it. On paper, you can virtually do whatever you want, stamp, doodle, lipstick kiss (ooh! good idea for later), have fun, and make it yours! Then, scan it into your computer, and save it as a JPEG file.
NOTE: I am giving instructions of how to load onto blogger. I think typepad is pretty explanatory itself, and myspace, well, I'll look up some helps on the internet, because that site confuses me as it is!
2. open up your blogger account, and start a creat page as though you were just making a daily blog entry
3. click the 'upload picture' button, and select the photo that you created or scanned. save the uploaded image as a 'draft'
4. open it back up and click on the 'Edit Html' button at the top. this will show you a lot of garbled letters that somehow represent the image that looks so pretty (I don't understand any of this, but I am trying to learn, and share with you, how to manipulate it): copy and paste the part that is your image onto a separate word document, just so you don't lose it. It should begin with the 'img style' bit, and don't forget the little <> arrows. They are important.
5. now go into the template part of your blog. If you have never visited this page, or have only visited it to change to an already pre-made page, it can be scary. What am I saying!??? I've been to it more than that, and it is still scary, but on this page, is the magical ability to change your blog's entire look, but I don't know how to do that, so I'll just tell the part that I know so far. IMPORTANT NOTE: save the entire script of your page as it is, so that if you mess up, you can just copy and paste it back as it was. scroll down to where it says:


begin content

div id =content

(or something similar)

6. paste your image's URL (all of the garble that supposedly represents your image) after the content part.
now go down and save changes. republish, and check out your new page.

7. yep, there's a problem, huh? There's still the old header, too! Go back into the template, and erase the part that represents the old header. it will be a group of garble right after your personal image, or before it. erase the whole section, but not your image's information. now save changes, and republish, you should be good.

I am still looking for information to make the banner bigger, and if there is anyone who reads this and knows how, please let me know.

I have just had so much fun with my blog, changing it, making it personal to me, and meeting or greeting friends, old and new, that I think everyone should be able to do it. if you try this and need some help, let me know.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for the comment! We miss you guys too! We are still stuck here in the states. MAtt is slowly getting better, but they say he won't be able to travel for at least another couple of months. It's been so crazy but has been getting better since therapy has been working and Matt can walk for longer amounts of time now. I was getting so ansty and went through this weird reverse culture shock (which has never happened before) So it was pretty rough going for a bit. But blue skys are here again and I've got my happy face back:)
I have started a blog account because I want to join in on the sassy shoe Thursday!:) I am still working out the kinks though. I don't think that xanga lets you do pictures so I am going to transfer over one of these days! You've inspired me! Have a great day. Your post about your crazy day the other day cracked me up...the crazyiness of having teams in Kosovo! Hope you've been able to get some down time.

Marie said...

I LOVE YOUR NEW BANNER!!!! Is it digital or paper/scanned? LOVE IT.