Saturday, April 15, 2006

New Day

“His mercies are new every morning”, and I am so thankful for that. Things are better today, and my outlook on life isn’t quite as grim as it was last night. But, really how could it be? When I look out my window and see that Spring has finally decided to visit us. (The picture wouldn't upload, so you have to use your imagination) Everything is so green, and little blossoms are popping out everywhere. Of course, this means that we enter the weird time of year where the temp inside our house resembles Alaska winters, and the temp outside is tempting us to sunbathe. We bundle up like Eskimos inside, drink warm drinks, and blow on our hands, then, run outside and shed all of our layers. It’s a very good motivation to get outside and do some gardening. Get in the dirt, smell the earth as it wakes up to the sun, plant some flowers, and heal the damage that my friendly vandals did. (I have forgiven them, truly) We think that Judah has a little bit of ‘Finding Nemo withdrawal. Hmmm, wonder why? I mean, it’s normal for 18 month old boys to say, “Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, Nemo…” over and over again while they are riding home in the car, for hours. (okay, he said ‘Momee, Momee, Momee, but he’s has a little dyslexia from my side) It’s normal that I have to spell it out if I have to mention it to Dan – “Is it okay if Judah watches N-E-M-O today?” But, as you can see, I think he got his fix! HA! But, today, has been an inside day, more by need than choice, of course. While I have been puttering around putting away the massive amount of stuff that we took with us (isn’t it interesting that at the beginning of a trip everything seems so important, but at the end, you wonder why you really thought you needed all of those pairs of shoes? HA. Actually, I never wonder that about shoes, shirts maybe, but shoes, NO! I normally think I didn’t pack enough shoes, but I’m palavering {sp?}), I have been thinking about the day, weekend, and week to come. What needs to get done? What would I like to get done? What REALLY needs to get done? And the number 1 answer to all of those questions is CUT JUDAH’S HAIR!!!! I mean seriously, look at that mop! Where is that boy’s parent’s and why are they taking such shoddy care of him?! We wanted to cut it before we left, but worried that he his noggingwould get too cold because of its sudden lack of hair, so we waited. But, I think that the wait is over. But, all teasing aside, can you see the fluttering glimpse of the young man that he will be someday. I don’t know how to explain it, but I see it, and I know that more and more, my little boy isn’t so little anymore!

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