Thursday, April 27, 2006

New Favorite Day of the week

Okay, It's official. I love THURSDAYS. why? Because of shoes, because it is non-sensical way to celebrate who we are. And, so much fun, and tomorrow is Flashback Friday, too much fun for the end of the week!


Anonymous said...

You are so funny! I cant figure out how do post pictures yet...I am getting a blogger account so I can post pictures and get feed back from whoever wants instead of just xanga people. Love your idea for making Thursdays fun!
PS...did you ever find a necklace at your house? I have been trying to track down one of my favorite necklaces that I lost somewhere along the way. I cant remember if I wore it when we visited in Jan or not but it is worth a try. It has a thin leather string and a whitish ovaly pendant that is some kind of stone or mica formation or something. It is attached to the leather string by a few turquoise beads. It looks a little southwestern..anyway, if anything has turned up let me know!

Angela said...

What a grrrrrrreat idea you had Amber! (Can you hear Tony the Tiger?) I've been on here too much today looking at shoes. Fun, fun, fun.

Laura Beth said...

You may actually entice me want to try to find shoes in Korea!